Prem Rawat, or "Maharaji", has affected many people. For those of us who followed his teachings, we each got involved with
him for our own personal reasons, and we each had our own reasons for leaving. In the time between, our experiences were similar
in ways, but always unique to each of us. Others were affected by Maharaji because family members or other loved ones became
followers, and their stories are also welcome here.
Some critics of this site try to paint a false picture of former premies being some kind of cohesive group sharing the same
beliefs. Reading a sample of these Journeys will show this picture to be clearly untrue. Two examples are writer's views on
the existence of God and the value of meditation. The contributors here range from adherents of established religions such as
christianity, through the 'don't knows', to atheists. There are those who find meditation unnecessary for a full life, those
who still meditate occasionally, and those who find meditation to be an extremely important and enjoyable part of their lives.
Please note the these articles remain the intellectual property of the authors, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without
the written permission of the authors, except where national copyright laws allow for the purpose of education or criticism.
If you are a former premie, or have been otherwise adversely affected by your involvement with Maharaji, and would like to add
your own personal story to the Journeys entries, send it by email to the webmaster.